A few weeks ago, I conducted an experiment using
electrolytic cleaning to rid stubborn chunks of iron corrosion from ceramic
fragments. These ceramic sherds were recovered by Tim Bennett and his family at
the historic Warner Pioneer Homestead (20LV334), from Feature 19. Due to
post-depositional processes (presumably from being in the ground for a hundred
years with oxidizing soils and iron artifacts), these potsherds were encrusted
with ferric (iron) concretions, which made it impossible to mend the sherds
together with others from the same vessels (i.e. cross-mending). Cross-mending
ceramic sherds is useful for determining the forms of vessels and their full
decorations, which can be functionally and temporally diagnostic. The ferric
concretions that were encrusted on these sherds were impossible to detach with
typical artifact cleaning procedures.
For my purposes here, I’ll very briefly summarize the
electrolysis process (I posted a lab manual for the process on my blog, located
here). In short, electrolysis is the process by which ferrous artifacts
are cleared of ferric corrosion via electrical current. Electrolysis is useful
for determining an iron artifact’s past function. Since iron oxidizes,
electrolysis also helps conserve artifacts by preventing further corrosion. The
artifact (or in chemist’s terms, the cathode) is connected to a battery’s
negative charge. To ensure an efficient electrical current, the iron artifact
is Dremeled in the places where the negatively charged clips will be connected.
The battery’s positive charge is connected to a steel rod or mesh, which is
called the anode. The cathode and anode are placed in a bath with distilled
water and baking soda (which acts as an electrolyte); the battery’s electrical
charge essentially attracts the oxidation from the artifact to the anode, aided
by the baking soda electrolytes. The end result is an iron artifact that no
longer has ferric corrosion on its surface. In order for the electrolytic
cleaning process to work, there needs to be a strong connection from the iron
artifact’s intact/corrosion-free surface to the negative charge, to facilitate
a strong electrical current.
At the beginning of this electrolysis experiment, I decided
that I would test three hypotheses. The first hypothesis is that the battery’s
electrical current would not be able to flow through the ceramic well enough. According
to the American Ceramic Society, there are trace amounts of iron in all earthenware and stoneware clay bodies (I can’t
seem to find a source that can tell me exactly how much is in each paste category,
but there seems to be many variables that alter the amounts). Some ceramic glazes also contain amounts of
iron, all of which vary depending on the glaze’s chemical composition and intended
color. Being that the sherds were all plain whitewares and hard-paste
porcelains with lead-based glazes, I feared that there wouldn’t be enough iron in the pastes and
glazes to ensure a strong enough connection through which the current could
flow. My second hypothesis was that the sherds would not be able to withstand
the electrical current at all, and that they would fall apart soon after the
voltage was increased. Only one of the sherds exhibited any kind of decoration
(gilded bands running along the rim); I was concerned that any overglaze
decoration would flake away during the process. Finally, my third
hypothesis was that the electrolysis process would be successful, and that the
electrolysis process could be used by historical archaeologists in the future
to clear ceramics of ferric concretions.
Before I began the process, I gave each sherd an
identification number. Giving them arbitrary numbers helped me monitor each
sherd’s overall progress in the electrolysis bath more closely. I also kept
track of which cathode clips were attached to which sherd, and I kept detailed
notes during the whole experiment. Sherd #s 1-5 are all from lead-glazed
whiteware vessels, and sherd # 6 was made from hard-paste porcelain. Sherd # 2 has
two overglaze gilt bands that run along the rim, which unfortunately can’t be
seen very well in the photo above (for descriptions of what these paste and
glaze categories mean, the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab does a nicejob). Since our electrolysis bath at CMU is only equipped with four
cathode wires, I put only four sherds in the bath at a time. As I stated
previously, the iron artifacts that I clean electrolytically are always
Dremeled first in spots where the cathode wires can be connected to the
artifact’s original surface under the corrosion, which facilitates a strong
electrical connection. Since the sherds were only covered with ferric
concretions in small areas, the Dremeling step was not necessary. It did occur
to me that a gentle Dremeling on the concretions themselves would efficiently
get rid of them, but a grinding stone bit or a steel brush bit of a Dremel would
certainly scratch the paste and glaze surfaces, thus furthering the damage on
the sherds.
Since I really did not want my second hypothesis to occur,
I altered the typical electrolysis process for cleaning iron artifacts to be
slightly gentler on these ceramic fragments. As a general rule of thumb, the
amount of voltage/amperage needed to clean iron artifacts in an efficient
amount of time is calculated as one amperage per every two square centimeters
of the artifact. Additionally, the higher the voltage/amperage, the faster the ferric
corrosion repels from the artifact’s core. Since I didn’t want to zap these sherds
into oblivion, I refused to follow my own guidelines. Instead, I kept the
amperage low at first (5V/0.5A), and I increased the amperage gradually once I
knew that it was safe to do so. Since I never leave the electrolysis running
overnight (the process needs to be monitored closely), I needed to disconnect
the battery wires and take the sherds out of the bath until I could tend to
them again. After successfully cleaning iron artifacts, they need to be
“stabilized” by letting them simmer in distilled water for 2-3 hours, and then
baked in an oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for an additional 2-3 hours. After
they’re baked and cooled down, they are covered with a microcrystalline wax to
ensure that they don’t oxidize again. Since the ceramics are obviously not
totally made out of iron, I skipped these last steps.
Fortunately, my first and second hypotheses didn’t work
out, and my third hypothesis was deemed successful. Collectively, after about 18
hours in the electrolysis bath at 10V/2A, the ferric concretions could easily be
wiped away from the glazed surfaces and hard-paste porcelain. The concretions
on the whiteware clay bodies were slightly more stubborn, although I could
still persuade them to come off by gently picking at them with a dental pick. The
gilt decoration on sherd # 2, fortunately, did not disintegrate. Furthermore, unlike
full iron artifacts, leaving the sherds out to dry overnight did not make the
corrosion any worse. The ferric concretions flaked away during this process, but
the ferrous staining remained. To remedy this, I soaked them in white vinegar
for a few hours while periodically giving them a gentle scrub with a toothbrush;
however, no changes were made.
![]() |
Before electrolysis |
![]() |
After electrolysis |
To conclude, these results suggest that electrolysis can be
used to clean ferric concretions from historical ceramics. The process is
especially useful for vessel fragments, since the absence of concretions make the cross-mending and reconstruction of full vessels possible. Furthermore, the electrolysis process
did not damage the surface treatment or decoration on the sherds in the sample.
Before using electrolysis as a standardized practice, however, more testing needs
to be done on ceramic fragments with other forms of decoration to make sure
that the electrolysis process does not harm other types of surface treatment. Additionally,
the samples need to be monitored to make sure that the ferric staining does not
grow worse (especially since the sherds were not “stabilized” afterwards).
For more background information about the Warner Pioneer Homestead,
implore you to check out Tim’s blog. I am indebted to both Tim Bennett
and Sarah Surface-Evans, who originally came up with the idea and let me take
control of the experiment.
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